Vitalii Gatseliuk, a member of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, took part in the study visit “Independence of the Judiciary”, which took place from August 28 to September 2, 2023, in the cities of Hanover, Braunschweig, and Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, with the support of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ). The event was also attended by representatives of the legal community and the judiciary of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova.
The purpose of the visit was to provide information on the guarantees of judicial independence in Germany and the European Union, a transnational professional exchange of experience in the field of judicial independence between Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Germany.
The participants met with the Director of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation Dr. Stefan Hülshörster, the Minister of Justice of Lower Saxony Dr. Kathrin Wahlmann, the President of the German Association of Judges Andrea Titz, presidents of some courts, and other German representatives in the field of judiciary. They briefed the guests on the organization of the judiciary and court administration at the state and federal levels, the general principles of judicial training in Germany, key factors in the selection of judges and prosecutors, aspects of disciplinary law, and the fight against corruption in the judicial system.
During the expert discussions, the participants had the opportunity to discuss a wide range of issues related to the judiciary of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova and to share their experiences.
For reference
The German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation IRZ supports about 20 partner countries in their legal and judicial reform projects. The main focus is on the development of constitutional and market structures, as well as the harmonization of national legislation with EU Law.
The IRZ Foundation provides legislative advice, support in drafting legislation, establishing and developing institutions, and promotes education and training of legal professionals in all disciplines. To this end, expert discussions, seminars, workshops and conferences are organized in Germany and partner countries.