Seven members of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine took part in the meeting of the First Chamber: Roman Ihnatov, Mykhailo Bohonis, Vitalii Gatseliuk, Nadiia Kobetska, Ruslan Melnyk, Andrii Pasichnyk, Halyna Shevchuk.
- The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to leave without consideration and return to the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine the notification on the need to consider the secondment of 1 (one) judge to the Luhynskyi Raion Court of Zhytomyr Oblast.
- The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to leave without consideration and return to the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine the notification on the need to consider the issue of secondment of a judge to the Olevskyi Raion Court of Zhytomyr Oblast.