On July 5, 2024, a solemn oath-taking ceremony for judges newly appointed to their positions took place at the National business and cultural cooperation center “Ukrainian House” with the participation of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. A total of 248 judges took the oath.
The event was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine Ruslan Sydorovych and heads of judicial governance and self-governance bodies.
“248 judges is 5% of the Ukrainian judiciary. In the context of a total shortage of judicial personnel, which leads to excessive and lengthy trials, the appointment of such a number of judges, we hope, will have a tangible positive impact on our citizens’ access to justice throughout Ukraine – from east to west, from north to south,” outlined the Deputy Chairman of the HQCJ Ruslan Sydorovych.
As a reminder, 90 persons were appointed to the positions of judges following the results of the competitions announced by the HQCJ by the Decrees of the President of Ukraine on May 8, 2024, and 196 persons were appointed on July 4, 2024.
A person appointed to the position of a judge for the first time acquires the powers of a judge after taking the oath during a solemn ceremony in the presence of the President of Ukraine (Article 57 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”).