. The competition to fill 532 vacant positions of judges of appellate courts (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”, the Regulations on holding a competition to fill a vacant position of a judge and the decision of the Commission.
The current Regulation [ukr. version] on holding a Competition to fill a vacant position of a judge is available in the subsection “Competition for a position of a judge” of the “Activities” section of the official website of the Commission [ukr. version].
2. Courts where the Competition has been announced:
1. 410 positions of judges in the courts of appeal for civil and criminal cases, as well as cases of administrative offenses:
Name of the court |
Number of vacant positions for which a competition has been announced |
Vinnytsia Court of Appeal |
15 |
Volyn Court of Appeal |
11 |
Dnipro Court of Appeal |
11 |
Zhytomyr Court of Appeal |
14 |
Zakarpattia Court of Appeal |
10 |
Zaporizhzhia Court of Appeal |
15 |
Ivano-Frankivsk Court of Appeal |
11 |
Kyiv Court of Appeal |
45 |
Kropyvnytskyi Court of Appeal |
12 |
Lviv Court of Appeal |
28 |
Mykolaiv Court of Appeal |
21 |
Odesa Court of Appeal |
23 |
Poltava Court of Appeal |
15 |
Rivne Court of Appeal |
12 |
Sumy Court of Appeal |
21 |
Ternopil Court of Appeal |
15 |
Kharkiv Court of Appeal |
47 |
Kherson Court of Appeal |
22 |
Khmelnytskyi Court of Appeal |
12 |
Cherkasy Court of Appeal |
21 |
Chernivtsi Court of Appeal |
7 |
Chernihiv Court of Appeal |
22 |
2. 56 positions of judges in the courts of appeal for commercial cases:
Name of the court |
Number of vacant positions for which a competition has been announced |
Western Commercial Court of Appeal |
10 |
South-Western Commercial Court of Appeal |
3 |
Northern Commercial Court of Appeal |
15 |
North-Western Commercial Court of Appeal |
4 |
Eastern Commercial Court of Appeal |
4 |
Central Commercial Court of Appeal |
20 |
3. 66 positions of judges in the courts of appeal for administrative cases:
Name of the court |
Number of vacant positions for which a competition has been announced |
First Administrative Court of Appeal |
8 |
Second Administrative Court of Appeal |
9 |
Third Administrative Court of Appeal |
7 |
Fifth Administrative Court of Appeal |
12 |
Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal |
11 |
Seventh Administrative Court of Appeal |
9 |
Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal |
10 |
3. The deadline for submitting documents for participation in the Competition is from December 15, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (inclusive).
An extract from the Register of State certificates on state language proficiency level or a copy of the State certificate of proficiency in the state language may be submitted until March 01, 2024 (inclusive).
4. The procedure for submitting documents for participation in the Competition.
4.1 Information on the form of submission of documents (paper and/or electronic) will be determined on the basis of the Commission’s decision.
4.2. The forms of documents to be submitted for participation in the Competition may be changed by the Commission’s decision until December 08, 2023 by amending the Regulations on the competition for the vacant position of a judge.
4.3. Information on the form of submission of documents (paper or electronic) and changes in the form of documents to be submitted for participation in the Competition (in case of changes) will be published on the official website of the Commission no later than December 08, 2023.
5. To participate in the Competition, a candidate for the position of a judge must submit an application in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulation on holding a competition for the vacant position of a judge, which must include:
1) a list of attachments to the application with the name and number of sheets of each document attached to the application (if the Commission’s decision determines the paper form of accepting documents or the electronic form of submitting documents will allow to format such a document);
2) a copy of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine;
3) the application form of a candidate for the position of judge in accordance with Annex 4 to the Regulation on holding a competition to fill a vacant position of a judge;
4) a motivation letter stating the reasons for becoming a judge;
5) declaration of family relations of the candidate for the position of a judge;
6) a declaration of integrity of the candidate for the position of a judge;
7) a copy of a diploma of higher legal education (with annexes) obtained in Ukraine, copies of documents on higher legal education obtained abroad, together with copies of documents confirming their recognition in Ukraine, as well as copies of documents on academic degree, academic title (if any);
8) a copy of the employment record book, service record (if any) or other documents on the candidate’s work experience;
9) a certificate of preliminary, periodic and extraordinary psychiatric examination in the form of primary accounting documentation No. 100-2/о;
10) written consent to the collection, storage, processing and use of information about the candidate for the purpose of assessing his/her readiness to work as a judge in accordance with Annex 5 to the Regulation on holding a competition to fill a vacant position of a judge;
11) consent to conduct a special inspection in accordance with the law in the form in accordance with the Procedure for conducting a special inspection of persons applying for positions that involve holding responsible or particularly responsible positions and positions with increased corruption risk;
12) a copy of the declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, covering the period of the year preceding the year of submission of documents, and a link to the relevant page of the Unified State Register of Declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government;
13) a copy of a military ticket (for military personnel or conscripts);
14) documents confirming that the candidate for the position of a judge meets the requirements of Article 69 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”;
15) documents confirming compliance with one of the requirements specified in part one of Article 28 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”.
If the need to submit the relevant documents is provided for in subparagraphs 8 and 15 of this paragraph, such documents shall be submitted in one copy;
16) an electronic medium with scanned copies of the documents specified in this announcement certified by a qualified electronic signature (if the Commission determines the paper form of document acceptance).
The documents (materials) specified in subparagraphs 2–16 of this paragraph shall comply with the requirements of subparagraphs 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 of paragraph 3.5 of the Regulations on holding a competition to fill a vacant position of a judge.
6. Within the period specified in this announcement, a person may submit only one application for participation in the Competition, indicating the level and specialization of the court in which he/she intends to hold the position of a judge.
7. Stages of the Competition:
1) formation of ratings of participants in the competition to fill vacant positions of judges;
2) ranking of the participants of the competition to fill vacant positions of judges for which no winners were determined during the first stage of the competition.
The second stage of the Competition is not mandatory and may be held if after the first stage of the Competition the winners to fill vacant positions of judges were not determined for which the Competition has been announced.
The Commission may decide on the specifics of the second stage of the Competition.
8. Terms of the Competition.
8.1. Persons who are allowed to participate in the first stage of the Competition:
1) have submitted all the necessary documents in the manner and within the time limits specified in this announcement;
2) as of the date of submission of documents, meet the requirements for a candidate for a position of a judge of the court of appeal established by Articles 28 and 69 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”.
8.2. Candidates for the position of judge may be admitted to participate in the second stage of the Competition, who during the first stage of the Competition:
1) confirmed their ability to administer justice in the relevant court of appeal;
2) did not take the winning position in the ranking of the participants of the competition of the relevant court of appeal.
8.3. During the second stage of the Competition, a candidate for the position of a judge can apply for a vacant position of a judge in a court in accordance with the specialization of the court, the ability to administer justice in which he has confirmed during the first stage of the Competition.
8.4. A person who participates in the Competition and is not a judge must submit declarations of family relations and integrity of the candidate for the position of a judge annually by February 1.
8.5. A person who participates in the Competition and does not have the obligation to annually submit a declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, is obliged to submit such a declaration as a candidate for the position of judge annually by April 1.
Copies of such declarations must be sent to the Commission within ten days after the Commission adopts a decision on the admission of a person to the qualification evaluation stage “Research of dossiers and conduct of an interview”.
8.6. In his/her application for participation in the competition, the candidate shall indicate the level and specialization of the court in which he/she intends to hold the position of a judge.
8.7. The date (period) of submitting an application with the name of the position of judge in the relevant court, which the candidate intends to occupy, will be determined on the basis of a separate decision of the Commission.
9. Information on the date, time and place of the competition will be published on the official website of the Commission.