According to part ten of Article 87 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges” (hereinafter – the Law), the Chairman of the Commission convenes a meeting of representatives of Public Associations. The announcement about the meeting shall be posted on the official website of the Commission.
Part thirteen of Article 87 of the Law stipulates that in order to participate in the meeting, Public Associations shall submit the following documents within fifteen days since the day of posting the announcement about the meeting of the representatives of Public Associations (i.e., by July 20, 2023 inclusive):
- a letter of application in any format signed by the head of the Public Association specifying the name of a person authorized to represent the public association at the meeting;
- a copy of the charter and the excerpt from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;
- copies of reports on the results of the implementation of the projects involving international technical assistance (if any);
- a recommendation letter from the international organization of impeccable reputation or from the implementer of international technical assistance project about the successful experience in cooperation;
- copies of reports on the results of the financial audit of at least two implemented projects involving international technical assistance or a copy of the report on the results of the audit of the Public Association activity;
- curriculum vitae of the representative of a Public Association;
- curriculum vitae of a candidate (candidates) for the Public Integrity Council nominated by a Public Association and motivation letter of the candidate and declaration of a person authorized to fulfill the functions of state or local authorities regarding this candidate with his/her signature.
Part fourteen of Article 87 of the Law provides that the issue of eligibility of a Public Association in terms of requirements for the participation in the meeting of the representatives of Public Associations shall be decided by the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine within ten days since the day of receipt of the application and the documents attached thereto.
According to part fifteen of Article 87 of the Law, the list of Public Associations meeting the criteria for the participation in the meeting of the representatives of Public Associations, the copies of the documents submitted by them and the list of candidates for the Public Integrity Council shall be published on the official website of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.
In accordance with part sixteen of Article 87 of the Law, the time and place of the holding the meeting of representatives of Public Associations shall be determined by the Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine who shall send respective invitations to participate in the meeting to Public Associations.
The announcement about the time and place of holding the meeting of the representatives of Public Associations shall be posted on the official website of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine at least ten days prior to the meeting.
The Public Integrity Council is established with the purpose of assisting the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine in determining eligibility of a judge (a judicial candidate) in terms of the criteria of professional ethics and integrity for the purpose of qualification evaluation.
According to part two of Article 87 of the Law the Public Integrity Council shall consist of twenty members.
Members of the Public Integrity Council may be representatives of human rights public groups, law scholars, attorneys, journalists who are recognized specialists in the sphere of their professional activity of high professional reputation and meet the criterion of political neutrality and integrity.