By the decision of the Commission dated October 21,2024, №. 325/zp-24, the qualification exam was scheduled during the qualification evaluation within the competition for vacant positions of judges in the High Anti-Corruption Court and the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court announced by the decision of the Commission dated November 23, 2023, №. 145/zp-23 (as amended), one of the stages of which is the completion of a practical assignment on the specialization of the relevant court. In order to properly prepare candidates for this stage of the qualification exam, the Commission has published samples of practical assignments on its official website.
Practical assignment samples can be found in the subsection “Practical Assignment” of the section “Competition for Candidates for Vacant Positions of Judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court, announced on November 23, 2023, (ongoing)” of the subsection “Competition for the Position of Judge” of the section “Activities” of the official website of the Commission or by following the links (in Ukrainian):
- Sample of a model court case on the specialization of the High Anti-Corruption Court as a court of first instance
- Sample of a model court decision on the specialization of the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court №. 1
- Sample of a model court decision on the specialization of the Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court №. 2