On April 17, 2024, the Head of the Rule of Law, Anti-Fraud and Financial Management Unit, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission (DG NEAR), representatives of the Unit Manfredas Limantas and Kerttu Mager, Political Officer of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Marta Hesiak and Sector Manager for Justice and Anticorruption of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Alban Biaussat visited the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.
The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was represented by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission Ruslan Sydorovych and members of the HQCJU – Ruslan Melnyk, Serhii Chumak, Halyna Shevchuk and Vitalii Gatseliuk.
Ruslan Sydorovych greeted the European delegates, expressed his gratitude for their support on Ukraine’s path towards EU accession and informed them of the current procedures being carried out by the Commission, including the continuation of the qualification evaluation of judges for their suitability for the position, competitions for vacant positions of judges in local and appellate courts, and preparation for interviews with nominees for the positions of members of the Public Council of International Experts as part of the selection of judges to the High Anti-Corruption Court.
He emphasized the need for further digitalization and automation of work processes at the Commission. Thus, Mr Sydorovych mentioned that for the first time in Ukraine, the procedure of electronic submission of documents during the competition to the appellate courts was applied, and from May 01, this year, the electronic dossier of a candidate for the position of a judge will be launched. However, enhanced digitalization and the use of highly efficient software products are needed to optimize all processes.
In this context, HQCJ members mentioned the importance of computerized testing during the competition for judicial positions. This would speed up the procedures and, most importantly, ensure their openness, fairness and transparency.
Representatives of the Rule of Law, Anti-Fraud and Financial Management Unit DG NEAR focused on Ukraine’s commitments in the process of its European integration, including those of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine within its competence in the field of rule of law and judicial reform.
The European delegates highlighted the work and achievements of the Commission in the current realities of war. Meanwhile, Commission members expressed their readiness to the necessary steps to be taken by the HQCJ in the justice sector to strengthen the credibility of the judiciary not only in Ukrainian society but also in international partners to ensure progress towards Ukraine’s EU integration.