By the Decrees of the President of Ukraine of May 08, 2024, 114 judges were appointed to the positions of judges of local courts.
Based on the results of the qualification evaluation, 24 judges were appointed to 21 general courts (14 women and 10 men).
The average age of a judge appointed based on the results of the qualification evaluation is 41 years.
For 3–7 years, these judges had no power to administer justice.
Pursuant to subparagraph 4 of paragraph 16¹ of Section XV of the Constitution of Ukraine, the suitability for office of a judge who has been appointed for a five-year term or elected as a judge for permanent terms before the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding justice)” must be evaluated in accordance with the procedure established by Law. If the results of such evaluation reveal that the judge is not suitable for the position in terms of competence, professional ethics or integrity, or if the judge refuses to undergo such evaluation, this shall be grounds for dismissal.
In 2023–2024, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine recommended these judges for appointment as judges based on the results of successful qualification evaluation for the position held, which included anonymous testing, practical assignment, testing of personal moral and psychological qualities and general abilities, dossier research and interview.
According to the results of the competition announced on September 14, 2023, 70 people (44 women and 26 men) were appointed to the position of judge for the first time:
to 8 administrative courts – 10 persons (women – 6, men – 4);
to 5 commercial courts – 6 persons (women – 3, men – 3);
to 44 general courts – 54 persons (women – 35, men – 19).
The average age of persons appointed to the position of judge for the first time is 42 years.
These persons are recommended by the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine in 2024 for appointment as judges based on the results of successful selection for the position of a local court judge, which lasted from April 2017 to August 2023 and included the following stages: selection exam (testing of knowledge of law, proficiency in the state language and personal moral and psychological qualities), special check, special training at the National School of Judges of Ukraine (up to 9 months) and qualification exam (testing and completion of a practical assignment).
The competition for judicial positions was open and broadcast online for the first time.
Pursuant to the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges” and certain legislative acts of Ukraine on improving judicial career procedures” the Panels of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine conducted open interviews with candidates for the position of judge.
Following the results of the competition announced on August 5, 2019, 20 persons (women – 9, men – 11) who meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the High Council of Justice” and participated in the selection for the position of judge before 2016 were appointed for the first time:
- 1 person (woman) to 1 administrative court;
- to 3 commercial courts – 4 persons (women – 2, men – 2);
- to 15 general courts – 15 persons (women – 6, men – 9).
The average age of persons appointed to the position of judge for the first time is 43 years.
When reviewing the Commission’s recommendations, the High Council of Justice did not find any grounds for reasonable doubt as to whether these judges meet the criteria of integrity or professional ethics or other circumstances that may adversely affect public confidence in the judiciary in connection with such appointments.
Judges have been appointed to the courts of such regions (oblasts):
- Vinnytsia Oblast – 1 judge was appointed to 1 court;
- Volyn Oblast – 4 judges were appointed to 4 courts;
- Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – 11 judges were appointed to 10 courts;
- Donetsk Oblast – 8 judges were appointed to 6 courts;
- Zhytomyr Oblast – 4 judges were appointed to 2 courts;
- Zakarpattia (Transcarpathian) Oblast – 3 judges were appointed to 1 court;
- Zaporizhia Oblast – 7 judges were appointed to 7 courts;
- Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast – 2 judges were appointed to 2 courts;
- Kyiv Oblast – 8 judges were appointed to 7 courts;
- Kirovohrad Oblast – 5 judges were appointed to 3 courts;
- Luhansk Oblast – 5 judges were appointed to 5 courts;
- Lviv Oblast – 3 judges were appointed to 3 courts;
- Mykolaiv Oblast – 4 judges were appointed to 4 courts;
- Odessa Oblast – 5 judges have been appointed to 5 courts;
- Poltava Oblast – 8 judges were appointed to 6 courts;
- Rivne Oblast – 4 judges were appointed to 4 courts;
- Ternopil Oblast – 2 judges were appointed to 2 courts;
- Kharkiv Oblast – 15 judges were appointed to 11 courts;
- Kherson Oblast – 2 judges were appointed to 1 court;
- Khmelnytskyi Oblast – 4 judges were appointed to 4 courts;
- Cherkasy Oblast – 1 judge was appointed to 1 court;
- Chernihiv Oblast – 2 judges were appointed to 2 courts;
- Kyiv city – 6 judges were appointed to 4 courts.
Administration of justice was restored on a permanent basis in 4 courts:
- Luhynskyi Raion Court of Zhytomyr Oblast;
- Ustynivskyi Raion Court of Kirovohrad Oblast;
- Rokytnianskyi Raion Court of Kyiv Oblast;
- Vinkovetskyi Raion Court of Khmelnytskyi Oblast.
Excessive court workloads in 16 courts were regulated in:
- Artsyzkyi Raion Court of Odessa Oblast;
- Babushkinskyy Raion Court of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast;
- Valkivskyi Raion Court of Kharkiv Oblast;
- Commercial Court of Transcarpathian Oblast;
- Dovhintsevskyi District Court of Kryvyi Rih City in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast;
- Zavodskyi District Court of Zaporizhzhia City;
- Kyiv-Sviatoshyn Raion Court of Kyiv Oblast;
- Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City;
- Krasylivskyi Raion Court of Khmelnytskyi Oblast;
- Krasnohvardiiskyi District Court of Dnipropetrovsk City;
- Poltavskyi Raion Court of Poltava Oblast;
- Rivne Circuit Administrative Court;
- Sykhivskyi District Court of Lviv City;
- Solomianskyi District Court of Kyiv City;
- Kharkivskyi Raion Court of Kharkiv Oblast;
- Kherson City Court in Kherson Oblast.