On February 20, 2024, the Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine Roman Ihnatov was invited to participate in the event “Meeting Pro” on the topic “Investigation without trial”, hosted by the Ukrainian Bar Association.
The Chairman of the Commission informed the participants about the current work of the HQCJU and expressed his opinion on the status of criminal proceedings in the courts of first instance and appellate courts, taking into account the current situation with judicial personnel.
The participants of the event discussed topical issues of criminal proceedings. Roman Ihnatov joined the discussion on the problematic issues of conducting searches, their motives and conditions. In his opinion, certain changes in this area are needed to clarify the law in line with the ECHR case law and international standards on such an important investigative action.
The Chairman of the Commission also focused on some of the peculiarities of the prosecutor's activities that courts face during the appellate review of cases.
The Event organisers are convinced that the dialogue with representatives of the authorities, judges, academics, lawyers and experts in various fields will help to resolve problematic issues in the field of law and improve legal practice related to martial law in Ukraine.