The meeting of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was attended by 12 members of the Commission in plenary session: Ruslan Sydorovych, Liudmyla Volkova, Yaroslav Dukh, Roman Kydysiuk, Nadiia Kobetska, Oleh Koliush, Ruslan Melnyk, Oleksii Omelyan, Andrii Pasichnyk, Roman Sabodash, Serhii Chumak, Halyna Shevchuk.
1. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine has decided to postpone consideration of the issue of ensuring general (public) access to judicial dossiers and dossiers of candidates for the position of а judge.
2. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to withdraw from consideration the issue of consideration of the appeal of lawyer Ivan Martynenko of March 05, 2024, regarding the member of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine Serhii Chumak.
3. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to terminate the qualification evaluation for correspondence to the position held of the judge of the Commercial Court of Kyiv City Mykola Pasko.
4. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to terminate the qualification evaluation for correspondence to the position held of the judge of the Sambirskyi City-Raion Court of Lviv Oblast Hanna Karnasevych.
5. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to terminate the qualification evaluation for correspondence to the position held of the judge of the Donetsk Court of Appeal (seconded to the Dnipro Court of Appeal) Yana Kheilo.
6. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to terminate the qualification evaluation for correspondence to the position held of the judge of the Chernihiv Circuit Administrative Court Oleksandr Zaiеts.
The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine included the following issues to the agenda of the meeting:
On amendments to the Regulations on the Secretariat of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, approved by the decision of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine of November 25, 2016, No. 157/zp-16 (as amended).
Following consideration of this issue, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to amend the Regulations on the Secretariat of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, approved by the decision of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine No. 157/zp-16 of November 25, 2016 (as amended), setting it out in a new version.
On determining authorized persons from the Commission’s members who define tasks and key performance indicators, efficiency and quality of service, conduct evaluation interviews, determine the results of tasks and prepare proposals on the results of performance evaluation of civil servants of the Secretariat of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine who hold civil service positions of category “A”.
Following consideration of this issue, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to reject the proposal of the speaker – member of the Commission Rusaln Sydorovych to appoint authorized persons from the members of the Commission who define tasks and key performance indicators, efficiency and quality of service, conduct evaluation interviews, determine the results of tasks and prepare proposals on the results of the performance evaluation of civil servants of the Secretariat of the High Qualification Commission of Judges who hold civil service positions of category “A”.
On аmendments to the Regulation on the Automated System for Determining Members of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine for Preparation for Consideration and Reporting of Cases, approved by the Commission’s Decision No. 146/zp-16 dated November 07, 2016 (as amended).
Based on the results of consideration of this issue, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine decided to amend the Regulation on the Automated System for Determining Members of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine for Preparation for Consideration and Reporting Cases, approved by the decision of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine No. 146/zp-16 of November 07, 2016 (as amended), by setting forth subparagraph 2.6.1 of paragraph 2.6 in the following wording: “the previously determined member of the Commission shall be allocated (transferred) cases (documents) concerning a judge (candidate for the position of a judge), as defined in paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of this Regulation, which were received after the beginning and before the completion of consideration of the case (documents) concerning the same judge (candidate for the position of a judge) previously allocated to such a member of the Commission”. Commission members Yaroslav Dukh and Andrii Pasichnyk did not participate in the consideration of this issue.